Communication is a huge part of running a successful church capital campaign. You may have the most beautiful mission and vision for your parish, but if no one knows what that vision is, you’ll fall flat on your face trying to raise funds to support it. In our church capital campaign communication guide, we lay out a branding plan that aims to educate the community on the value of the campaign – developing a theme, slogan and logo is a part of that process. Here are 20 slogans and their logos that our clients have created to inspire and communicate what they were hoping to accomplish with their capital campaign building projects. I hope what you find below gets your creative juices pumping!
Creating a Church Capital Campaign Slogan and Logo
Communication is one very important part of your overall capital campaign strategy. Coming up with a campaign name or slogan can be the first step in designing your marketing materials as you are getting started with a church capital campaign. There are three important things to remember when composing campaign name/slogan.
- Keep it concise—about six words maximum.
- Convey the spirit of your congregation.
- Sum up the reason for the campaign.
Your communications chair or someone on your team may have experience in leading groups in this type of exercise. If not, here are steps you can take toward composing the slogan. This process may take 2 or more meetings, so give it some time.
Help everyone’s voice be heard
- Give the team members five minutes to brainstorm a list of words related to the vision for the campaign. Have each team member write down three or four or words or a slogan that they have generated from the words.
- Have each member read his or her slogan(s) or word(s) out loud. Assign someone to write on a white board or flip chart as they are being read. Important—do not allow positive or negative comments about any ideas at this point.
- Go through the ideas and underline words that may appear several times, such as Faith, Build, Christ, etc.
- Now have your discussion. Set a time limit for the discussion (10-15 minutes should be sufficient). The discussion will generate comments about what words people think should be in the slogan, revision of suggested slogans, or entirely new slogans. Again, have somebody write these slogans on the board or chart. Make sure everyone has a chance to comment.
- Make an initial decision. Tell everyone they can vote for the two slogans they like best. Have someone tally the votes next to each slogan. You will end up with two or more slogans that have made the cut. If you have more than three, have a second round of voting to get it down to two or three slogans.
- Now you have two or three slogans that you can present to the Campaign’s Steering
Committee to make the final selection. If your team has a clear choice, you can let your campaign Steering Committee know. You may also decide to let your team have a day or two to think about the slogan and have them email or call in their final votes to the Communications Team Chair within a specified time. - After the final selection is made you are ready to start designing your logo and communication pieces for the campaign. We highly recommend working with a professional graphic designer for this process. Our capital campaign management services include custom professional design to create your logo, letterhead, 6 newsletters, event invitations, brochure, pledge card, thank you notes, pledge-tracking tool and any other campaign-related materials that you need. It’s amazing the difference that a professionally designed campaign will make in building excitement for the campaign and communicating trust.
Slogan Examples List
- Serving our Timeless Mission
- Building the Legacy
- Imagine the Possibilities
- Forward in Faith
- Rebuild, Restore, Renew
- Creating a Culture of Generosity
- Magnifying the Light and Hope
- Faith for Tomorrow
- Invest in Hope
- Building on Faith
- Renew, Restore, Rejuvenate
- Gather & Grow
- Paving the Way
- Following Jesus, Finding Family
- For Such a Time as This
- Gather, Serve, Celebrate
- Opening Our Doors into Tomorrow
- Growing into Our Future
- Strong Through the Storm
Logo Examples